Most Controversial Magazine Covers - ARJUNSEO

In this post we come with most Controversial Magazine Covers which very viral at that time. please check it out these controversial covers.

1. Annie Leibovitz photographed this image of John Lennon and Yoko Ono hours before Lennon was shot and killed on Dec. 8, 1980. Rolling Stone made it the cover of the Jan. 22, 1981, issue. 

2. Here is a photo featured of Janet Jackson topless on the cover.

3. Rolling Stone may take a hit at the newsstands over its cover story on one of the alleged Boston Marathon bombers, but provocative covers often encourage single-copy sales at the same time...

 4.  Another Life magazine cover earlier in 1965 featured a photo of Vietnam helicopter crew chief James C. Farley with his hand on a jammed machine gun while wounded pilot Lieutenant James E. Magel was dying beside him.

Time magazine apologized after darkening a photo of O.J. Simpson for its June 27, 1994 cover.

6.  Time magazine's April 8, 2013, double cover drew controversy as the Supreme Court took up two cases centered around same-sex marriage laws.

7.  The New Yorker's July 21, 2008, cover drew mostly outrage for its depiction of then-presidential candidate Barack Obama dressed like Osama bin Laden and Michelle Obama with an exaggerated Afro dressed in combat gear. The Obama campaign blasted the cover as "tasteless and insensitive," while the magazine said that the cartoon was intended to satirize the "lies and misconceptions and distortions about the Obamas and their background and their politics" that were circulating four months before the election.

8.  Magazines compete to catch your attention, often posing provocative questions and highly charged photos that challenge cultural norms. Have some gone too far? Not far enough? Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur break it down.

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